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Sponsoring your users' transactions

Who this guide is for

This guide is for app developers who want to sponsor their users' transactions.

Using Wagmi + permissionless.js in a Next.js app

1. Choose a paymaster service provider

As a prerequisite, you'll need to obtain a paymaster service URL from a paymaster service provider. You can find a list of ERC-7677-compliant service providers here.

Once you choose a paymaster service provider and obtain a paymaster service URL, you can proceed to integration.

2. (Recommended) Set up your paymaster service proxy

Paymaster service providers commonly give developers URLs with API keys in them. Setting up a paymaster service proxy allows you keep these keys secret.

It also allows you to add extra validation on what requests you want to sponsor.

Setting up a paymaster service proxy turns the flow from the getting started section from this:


into this:


The proxy you create will need to handle the pm_getPaymasterStubData and pm_getPaymasterData JSON-RPC requests specified by ERC-7677.

import { paymasterClient } from "./config";
export async function POST(r: Request) {
  const req = await r.json();
  const method = req.method;
  const [userOp, entrypoint, chainId] = req.params;
  if (method === "pm_getPaymasterStubData") {
    const result = await paymasterClient.getPaymasterStubData({
      userOperation: userOp,
    return Response.json({ result });
  } else if (method === "pm_getPaymasterData") {
    const result = await paymasterClient.getPaymasterData({
      userOperation: userOp,
    return Response.json({ result });
  return Response.json({ error: "Method not found" });

3. Send EIP-5792 requests with a paymaster service capability

Once you have your paymaster service set up, you can now pass its URL along to Wagmi's useWriteContracts hook.

If you set up a proxy in your app's backend as recommended in step (2) above, you'll want to pass in the proxy URL you created.

import { useAccount, useChainId } from "wagmi";
import { useCapabilities, useWriteContracts } from "wagmi/experimental";
import { useMemo } from "react";
import { CallStatus } from "./CallStatus";
import { myNFTABI, myNFTAddress } from "./myNFT";
export function App() {
  const account = useAccount();
  const chainId = useChainId();
  const { data: id, writeContracts } = useWriteContracts({
    mutation: { onSuccess: (id) => setId(id) },
  const { data: availableCapabilities } = useCapabilities({
    account: account.address,
  const capabilities = useMemo(() => {
    if (!availableCapabilities || !chainId) return {};
    const capabilitiesForChain = availableCapabilities[chainId];
    if (
      capabilitiesForChain["paymasterService"] &&
    ) {
      return {
        paymasterService: {
          url: `${document.location.origin}/api/paymaster`,
    return {};
  }, [availableCapabilities, chainId]);
  return (
      <h2>Transact With Paymaster</h2>
          onClick={() => {
              contracts: [
                  address: myNFTAddress,
                  abi: myNFTABI,
                  functionName: "safeMint",
                  args: [account.address],
        {id && <CallStatus id={id} />}

That's it! If a user is connected to your app with an ERC-7677-compliant wallet, the wallet will handle the rest.